URock Speaking - BreakThru Speaker Training

Learn and master the Art of online and offline speaking as you craft your message and gain the tools necessary to crush it on camera and on stage!

JOIN the Revolution!

Have you been to an online networking event, conference or training and lost interest?  Did you know that the 3 most complained about online meeting issues are bad audio, bad video and not engaged or boring presenter.  Do you know what is the absolute worst offender is by a long shot?  Non engaged or boring presenter!  Now more than ever we need to up our virtual game in order to break through the noise!  After over 2 decades of speaking world wide both onstage and virtually, I can show you the way to mastering your message and delivery to not only have a massive impact, but to also have massive increase in your sales or revenue!


Time: Starts Nov 12th 7pm EST
Location: Your Computer

It’s time to catapult to the next level!
Earn more. Love More.
BE more. Experience more.

Coming November 11th, 2020

U Rock Speaking!

Event Begins:








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"The Heart of Networking"!